
데이터 전처리

  • 데이터 전처리의 기본
    • garbage Data —[ Great Model ]—> Garbage Results

데이터 전처리의 주요 과정

  • 데이터 전처리 수행 프로세스***(중요)***
    • 1.중복값 제거 및 결측치 처리 -> 2.이상치 처리 -> 3.Feature Engineering
    • 주요 목적 : 더 나은 분석 결과 도출 및 모형 성능 개선 실현

pandas 기본자료형

  • 숫자, 문자 모두 들어간다.
  • 중복이 불가능하다.


라이브러리 불러오기

import pandas as pd


temp_dic = {"col1": [1,2,3],
"col2": [3, 4, 5]}

df = pd.DataFrame(temp_dic) # DataFrame() 사용

col1 col2
0 1 3
1 2 4
2 3 5

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-5f12a67d-363f-495e-a8d6-e15402e0c5d6 button.colab-df-convert'); =
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      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
temp_dic = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}
ser = pd.Series(temp_dic) # Series() 사용
a    1
b    2
c    3
dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

구글 드라이브 연동

  • 구글 드라이브 → colab notebook → 새 폴더 생성 : data → 슬랙에서 다운 받은 lemonade.csv 파일을 올린다 -> 다음 코드를 실행
from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive

Mounted at 가 출력되었으므로 성공

현재 좌측에 폴더 그림 -> drive -> mydrive -> Colab Notebooks -> data -> Lemonade2016.csv를 찾아서 우클릭 -> 경로 복사 -> 다음 코드에 붙여넣어 사용

DATA_PATH = '/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/data/Lemonade2016.csv'
juice = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH)

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price
0 7/1/2016 Park 97 67 70 90.0 0.25
1 7/2/2016 Park 98 67 72 90.0 0.25
2 7/3/2016 Park 110 77 71 104.0 0.25
3 7/4/2016 Beach 134 99 76 98.0 0.25
4 7/5/2016 Beach 159 118 78 135.0 0.25
5 7/6/2016 Beach 103 69 82 90.0 0.25
6 7/6/2016 Beach 103 69 82 90.0 0.25
7 7/7/2016 Beach 143 101 81 135.0 0.25
8 NaN Beach 123 86 82 113.0 0.25
9 7/9/2016 Beach 134 95 80 126.0 0.25
10 7/10/2016 Beach 140 98 82 131.0 0.25
11 7/11/2016 Beach 162 120 83 135.0 0.25
12 7/12/2016 Beach 130 95 84 99.0 0.25
13 7/13/2016 Beach 109 75 77 99.0 0.25
14 7/14/2016 Beach 122 85 78 113.0 0.25
15 7/15/2016 Beach 98 62 75 108.0 0.50
16 7/16/2016 Beach 81 50 74 90.0 0.50
17 7/17/2016 Beach 115 76 77 126.0 0.50
18 7/18/2016 Park 131 92 81 122.0 0.50
19 7/19/2016 Park 122 85 78 113.0 0.50
20 7/20/2016 Park 71 42 70 NaN 0.50
21 7/21/2016 Park 83 50 77 90.0 0.50
22 7/22/2016 Park 112 75 80 108.0 0.50
23 7/23/2016 Park 120 82 81 117.0 0.50
24 7/24/2016 Park 121 82 82 117.0 0.50
25 7/25/2016 Park 156 113 84 135.0 0.50
26 7/26/2016 Park 176 129 83 158.0 0.35
27 7/27/2016 Park 104 68 80 99.0 0.35
28 7/28/2016 Park 96 63 82 90.0 0.35
29 7/29/2016 Park 100 66 81 95.0 0.35
30 7/30/2016 Beach 88 57 82 81.0 0.35
31 7/31/2016 Beach 76 47 82 68.0 0.35

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-e4ed5b94-20e7-42ba-9f65-459f54e1728a button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-e4ed5b94-20e7-42ba-9f65-459f54e1728a');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
  • 데이터를 불러왔다.
  • 첫번째 파악해야 하는 것!
    • 데이터 구조를 파악해보자
1  # 데이터 구조 파악
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 32 entries, 0 to 31
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------       --------------  -----  
 0   Date         31 non-null     object 
 1   Location     32 non-null     object 
 2   Lemon        32 non-null     int64  
 3   Orange       32 non-null     int64  
 4   Temperature  32 non-null     int64  
 5   Leaflets     31 non-null     float64
 6   Price        32 non-null     float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 1.9+ KB
juice.head()  # 상위의 데이터를 여러개 불러온다. 디폴트 값이 5개.

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price
0 7/1/2016 Park 97 67 70 90.0 0.25
1 7/2/2016 Park 98 67 72 90.0 0.25
2 7/3/2016 Park 110 77 71 104.0 0.25
3 7/4/2016 Beach 134 99 76 98.0 0.25
4 7/5/2016 Beach 159 118 78 135.0 0.25

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-c3238942-1033-4010-80b8-10e94c66dc23 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-c3238942-1033-4010-80b8-10e94c66dc23');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
juice.tail()  # 하위의 데이터를 여러개 불러온다. 디폴트 값이 5개

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price
27 7/27/2016 Park 104 68 80 99.0 0.35
28 7/28/2016 Park 96 63 82 90.0 0.35
29 7/29/2016 Park 100 66 81 95.0 0.35
30 7/30/2016 Beach 88 57 82 81.0 0.35
31 7/31/2016 Beach 76 47 82 68.0 0.35

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-cc60af2a-dd96-48c1-9398-546b4a947c77 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-cc60af2a-dd96-48c1-9398-546b4a947c77');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
  • Describe() 함수
    • 기술통계량 확인해주는 함수

Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price
count 32.000000 32.000000 32.000000 31.000000 32.000000
mean 116.156250 80.000000 78.968750 108.548387 0.354687
std 25.823357 21.863211 4.067847 20.117718 0.113137
min 71.000000 42.000000 70.000000 68.000000 0.250000
25% 98.000000 66.750000 77.000000 90.000000 0.250000
50% 113.500000 76.500000 80.500000 108.000000 0.350000
75% 131.750000 95.000000 82.000000 124.000000 0.500000
max 176.000000 129.000000 84.000000 158.000000 0.500000

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-bfd69db7-f9d2-49ea-84ed-2989ca9e02a8 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-bfd69db7-f9d2-49ea-84ed-2989ca9e02a8');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
type(juice.describe())  # Describe함수 결과물의 타입은 DataFrame 이다.
  • value_counts()
Beach    17
Park     15
Name: Location, dtype: int64
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

데이터 다뤄보기

  • 행과 열을 핸들링 해보자.
juice['Sold'] = 0   # sold 열 추가.
       Date Location  Lemon  Orange  Temperature  Leaflets  Price  Sold
0  7/1/2016     Park     97      67           70      90.0   0.25     0
1  7/2/2016     Park     98      67           72      90.0   0.25     0
2  7/3/2016     Park    110      77           71     104.0   0.25     0
juice['Sold'] = juice['Lemon'] + juice['Orange']  # Sold에 값 설정
       Date Location  Lemon  Orange  Temperature  Leaflets  Price  Sold
0  7/1/2016     Park     97      67           70      90.0   0.25   164
1  7/2/2016     Park     98      67           72      90.0   0.25   165
2  7/3/2016     Park    110      77           71     104.0   0.25   187
  • 매출액 = 가격 x 판매량
  • Revenue 로 만들어보자
juice['Revenue'] = juice['Sold'] * juice['Price']
       Date Location  Lemon  Orange  Temperature  Leaflets  Price  Sold  \
0  7/1/2016     Park     97      67           70      90.0   0.25   164   
1  7/2/2016     Park     98      67           72      90.0   0.25   165   
2  7/3/2016     Park    110      77           71     104.0   0.25   187   

0    41.00  
1    41.25  
2    46.75  
  • drop(axis = 0|1)
    • axis는 ‘축’을 의미한다. 한 축을 따라서 연산이 된다.
    • axis를 0으로 설정 시, 행(=index)방향으로 drop() 실행
    • axis를 1로 설정 시, 열방향으로 drop 수행함.
juice_column_drop = juice.drop('Sold', axis = 1)
       Date Location  Lemon  Orange  Temperature  Leaflets  Price  Revenue
0  7/1/2016     Park     97      67           70      90.0   0.25    41.00
1  7/2/2016     Park     98      67           72      90.0   0.25    41.25
2  7/3/2016     Park    110      77           71     104.0   0.25    46.75
juice_row_drop = juice.drop(0, axis = 0)
       Date Location  Lemon  Orange  Temperature  Leaflets  Price  Sold  \
1  7/2/2016     Park     98      67           72      90.0   0.25   165   
2  7/3/2016     Park    110      77           71     104.0   0.25   187   
3  7/4/2016    Beach    134      99           76      98.0   0.25   233   

1    41.25  
2    46.75  
3    58.25  

데이터 인덱싱


Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price Sold Revenue
0 7/1/2016 Park 97 67 70 90.0 0.25 164 41.00
1 7/2/2016 Park 98 67 72 90.0 0.25 165 41.25
2 7/3/2016 Park 110 77 71 104.0 0.25 187 46.75
3 7/4/2016 Beach 134 99 76 98.0 0.25 233 58.25
4 7/5/2016 Beach 159 118 78 135.0 0.25 277 69.25

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-bfa3fabe-e933-4527-879f-12c188c0b8bd button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
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      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;

boolean 값을 활용한 데이터 추출

# location이 Beach인 경우
# juice['Location'].value_counts()
juice[juice['Location'] == "Beach"]

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price Sold Revenue
3 7/4/2016 Beach 134 99 76 98.0 0.25 233 58.25
4 7/5/2016 Beach 159 118 78 135.0 0.25 277 69.25
5 7/6/2016 Beach 103 69 82 90.0 0.25 172 43.00
6 7/6/2016 Beach 103 69 82 90.0 0.25 172 43.00
7 7/7/2016 Beach 143 101 81 135.0 0.25 244 61.00
8 NaN Beach 123 86 82 113.0 0.25 209 52.25
9 7/9/2016 Beach 134 95 80 126.0 0.25 229 57.25
10 7/10/2016 Beach 140 98 82 131.0 0.25 238 59.50
11 7/11/2016 Beach 162 120 83 135.0 0.25 282 70.50
12 7/12/2016 Beach 130 95 84 99.0 0.25 225 56.25
13 7/13/2016 Beach 109 75 77 99.0 0.25 184 46.00
14 7/14/2016 Beach 122 85 78 113.0 0.25 207 51.75
15 7/15/2016 Beach 98 62 75 108.0 0.50 160 80.00
16 7/16/2016 Beach 81 50 74 90.0 0.50 131 65.50
17 7/17/2016 Beach 115 76 77 126.0 0.50 191 95.50
30 7/30/2016 Beach 88 57 82 81.0 0.35 145 50.75
31 7/31/2016 Beach 76 47 82 68.0 0.35 123 43.05

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-f23f5092-ba57-4126-bdd5-ecc3581c90cd button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-f23f5092-ba57-4126-bdd5-ecc3581c90cd');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
# location이 Beach인 경우
# juice['Location'].value_counts()
juice[juice['Leaflets'] >= 100]

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price Sold Revenue
2 7/3/2016 Park 110 77 71 104.0 0.25 187 46.75
4 7/5/2016 Beach 159 118 78 135.0 0.25 277 69.25
7 7/7/2016 Beach 143 101 81 135.0 0.25 244 61.00
8 NaN Beach 123 86 82 113.0 0.25 209 52.25
9 7/9/2016 Beach 134 95 80 126.0 0.25 229 57.25
10 7/10/2016 Beach 140 98 82 131.0 0.25 238 59.50
11 7/11/2016 Beach 162 120 83 135.0 0.25 282 70.50
14 7/14/2016 Beach 122 85 78 113.0 0.25 207 51.75
15 7/15/2016 Beach 98 62 75 108.0 0.50 160 80.00
17 7/17/2016 Beach 115 76 77 126.0 0.50 191 95.50
18 7/18/2016 Park 131 92 81 122.0 0.50 223 111.50
19 7/19/2016 Park 122 85 78 113.0 0.50 207 103.50
22 7/22/2016 Park 112 75 80 108.0 0.50 187 93.50
23 7/23/2016 Park 120 82 81 117.0 0.50 202 101.00
24 7/24/2016 Park 121 82 82 117.0 0.50 203 101.50
25 7/25/2016 Park 156 113 84 135.0 0.50 269 134.50
26 7/26/2016 Park 176 129 83 158.0 0.35 305 106.75

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-080b31c4-9d87-4d46-a98d-5d6eec44b68f button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-080b31c4-9d87-4d46-a98d-5d6eec44b68f');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;

iloc vs loc

  • 차이를 확인한다!
# index 번호는 다음 실행 결과에서
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price Sold Revenue
0 7/1/2016 Park 97 67 70 90.0 0.25 164 41.00
1 7/2/2016 Park 98 67 72 90.0 0.25 165 41.25
2 7/3/2016 Park 110 77 71 104.0 0.25 187 46.75

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-dadb1a11-c681-42a1-9b8b-85510d760ea0 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-dadb1a11-c681-42a1-9b8b-85510d760ea0');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;


  • 실행 시간 측정
  • 코드의 효율을 살펴보자

juice.iloc[0:3, 0:2] # 인덱스 기반
CPU times: user 2.14 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 2.14 ms
Wall time: 3.19 ms

Date Location
0 7/1/2016 Park
1 7/2/2016 Park
2 7/3/2016 Park

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-dfd7fd78-f2b8-491f-a422-bd0e37bc0297 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-dfd7fd78-f2b8-491f-a422-bd0e37bc0297');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
  • loc
  • -> 라벨 기반

juice.loc[0:2, ['Date', 'Location']] # 라벨 기반이라 0:2로 실행 시, 3개 생성된다
CPU times: user 1.64 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.64 ms
Wall time: 1.62 ms

Date Location
0 7/1/2016 Park
1 7/2/2016 Park
2 7/3/2016 Park

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-f63e27df-425e-4e52-acd7-6c213c3c886a button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-f63e27df-425e-4e52-acd7-6c213c3c886a');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
# juice[juice['Leaflets'] >= 100, 컬럼명 별도 추출]

juice.loc[juice['Leaflets'] >= 100, ['Date', 'Location']] # 컬럼은 컬럼별로 추출

Date Location
2 7/3/2016 Park
4 7/5/2016 Beach
7 7/7/2016 Beach
8 NaN Beach
9 7/9/2016 Beach
10 7/10/2016 Beach
11 7/11/2016 Beach
14 7/14/2016 Beach
15 7/15/2016 Beach
17 7/17/2016 Beach
18 7/18/2016 Park
19 7/19/2016 Park
22 7/22/2016 Park
23 7/23/2016 Park
24 7/24/2016 Park
25 7/25/2016 Park
26 7/26/2016 Park

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-80c7ea4c-f3b6-416c-90a6-935ca4d10c87 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-80c7ea4c-f3b6-416c-90a6-935ca4d10c87');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
juice.iloc[juice['Leaflets'] >= 100, 0:2]


  • sort_values()
# 매출액 순서로 정렬
juice.sort_values(by=['Revenue'], ascending=False).head(3)

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price Sold Revenue
25 7/25/2016 Park 156 113 84 135.0 0.50 269 134.50
18 7/18/2016 Park 131 92 81 122.0 0.50 223 111.50
26 7/26/2016 Park 176 129 83 158.0 0.35 305 106.75

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-d4ef77c6-8bab-4eae-9f75-40bfaf70f3b7 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-d4ef77c6-8bab-4eae-9f75-40bfaf70f3b7');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
# 2개 이상 기준으로 할 경우, 그룹화하여 정렬됨
juice.sort_values(by=['Price', 'Temperature'], ascending=False)

#이것도 가능
#juice.sort_values(by=['Price', 'Temperature'], ascending=[False, True]) -> Price는 내림차순, Temparature는 오름차순
#juice.sort_values(by=['Price', 'Temperature'], ascending=[False, True]).rest_index(drop=True) -> index 번호도 재정렬

Date Location Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price Sold Revenue
25 7/25/2016 Park 156 113 84 135.0 0.50 269 134.50
24 7/24/2016 Park 121 82 82 117.0 0.50 203 101.50
18 7/18/2016 Park 131 92 81 122.0 0.50 223 111.50
23 7/23/2016 Park 120 82 81 117.0 0.50 202 101.00
22 7/22/2016 Park 112 75 80 108.0 0.50 187 93.50
19 7/19/2016 Park 122 85 78 113.0 0.50 207 103.50
17 7/17/2016 Beach 115 76 77 126.0 0.50 191 95.50
21 7/21/2016 Park 83 50 77 90.0 0.50 133 66.50
15 7/15/2016 Beach 98 62 75 108.0 0.50 160 80.00
16 7/16/2016 Beach 81 50 74 90.0 0.50 131 65.50
20 7/20/2016 Park 71 42 70 NaN 0.50 113 56.50
26 7/26/2016 Park 176 129 83 158.0 0.35 305 106.75
28 7/28/2016 Park 96 63 82 90.0 0.35 159 55.65
30 7/30/2016 Beach 88 57 82 81.0 0.35 145 50.75
31 7/31/2016 Beach 76 47 82 68.0 0.35 123 43.05
29 7/29/2016 Park 100 66 81 95.0 0.35 166 58.10
27 7/27/2016 Park 104 68 80 99.0 0.35 172 60.20
12 7/12/2016 Beach 130 95 84 99.0 0.25 225 56.25
11 7/11/2016 Beach 162 120 83 135.0 0.25 282 70.50
5 7/6/2016 Beach 103 69 82 90.0 0.25 172 43.00
6 7/6/2016 Beach 103 69 82 90.0 0.25 172 43.00
8 NaN Beach 123 86 82 113.0 0.25 209 52.25
10 7/10/2016 Beach 140 98 82 131.0 0.25 238 59.50
7 7/7/2016 Beach 143 101 81 135.0 0.25 244 61.00
9 7/9/2016 Beach 134 95 80 126.0 0.25 229 57.25
4 7/5/2016 Beach 159 118 78 135.0 0.25 277 69.25
14 7/14/2016 Beach 122 85 78 113.0 0.25 207 51.75
13 7/13/2016 Beach 109 75 77 99.0 0.25 184 46.00
3 7/4/2016 Beach 134 99 76 98.0 0.25 233 58.25
1 7/2/2016 Park 98 67 72 90.0 0.25 165 41.25
2 7/3/2016 Park 110 77 71 104.0 0.25 187 46.75
0 7/1/2016 Park 97 67 70 90.0 0.25 164 41.00

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-14051fd5-627b-4ebe-ab05-3415f55cc7f3 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-14051fd5-627b-4ebe-ab05-3415f55cc7f3');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;

Group by

  • R dplyr groupby() %>% summarize()
  • -> 데이터 요약 -> 엑셀로 피벗 테이블
# Location 항목을 카운트
juice.groupby(by = 'Location').count()

Date Lemon Orange Temperature Leaflets Price Sold Revenue
Beach 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Park 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 15

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-26afeca1-6bb7-494f-ba2d-92aab015b058 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-26afeca1-6bb7-494f-ba2d-92aab015b058');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
# 집계 함수
import numpy as np

juice.groupby(['Location'])['Revenue'].agg([max, min, sum, np.mean])

max min sum mean
Beach 95.5 43.0 1002.8 58.988235
Park 134.5 41.0 1178.2 78.546667

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-650575f1-c764-4097-b860-3fa1b26021c5 button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-650575f1-c764-4097-b860-3fa1b26021c5');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
# 집계 함수
import numpy as np

juice.groupby(['Location'])['Revenue', 'Lemon'].agg([max, min, sum, np.mean])
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ FutureWarning: Indexing with multiple keys (implicitly converted to a tuple of keys) will be deprecated, use a list instead.
  after removing the cwd from sys.path.

Revenue Lemon
max min sum mean max min sum mean
Beach 95.5 43.0 1002.8 58.988235 162 76 2020 118.823529
Park 134.5 41.0 1178.2 78.546667 176 71 1697 113.133333

    const buttonEl =
      document.querySelector('#df-7a3b6989-de2d-4a76-8bd8-66538dc5863c button.colab-df-convert'); =
      google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';

    async function convertToInteractive(key) {
      const element = document.querySelector('#df-7a3b6989-de2d-4a76-8bd8-66538dc5863c');
      const dataTable =
        await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
                                                 [key], {});
      if (!dataTable) return;

      const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
        '<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
        + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
      element.innerHTML = '';
      dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
      await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
      const docLink = document.createElement('div');
      docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;


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